Finance Teachers' Perceptions of Teaching Finance Courses Through Distance Learning During Covid-19: A Study of Higher Education in Indonesia


  • Siti Ma'rifah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi


Control Group, Experimental Group, Reciprocal Peer Tutoring, Indonesia


The research conducted to check the impact of reciprocal peer tutoring (RPT) strategy on the social collaboration and achievements of reading comprehension of emotional behavioral disorders students in Indonesia. The population of the study comprises of 107 student in which 52 were males and 55 were females identified educational students with emotional behavioral disorders drawn from Indonesian universities using multistage sampling technique. In order to answer the research objectives, the data were analyzed through the mean scores and standard deviation, and also t-test was used to test the hypotheses using analysis of covariance. The key findings shown that students with emotional and behavioral disorders significantly improved their reading comprehension performance following intervention using RPT. The study also showed that gender as a factor in the study had no appreciable impact on how well students with emotional behavioral disorders interacted with others. It was therefore advised that emphasis be placed on giving students the necessary skills for using reciprocal peer tutoring in light of the study's findings. Moreover, this research could also help to the policy makers and regulatory bodies know about the importance of RBT to improve the reading comprehension achievements and social collaboration of the students.


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How to Cite

Ma’rifah, S. (2024). Finance Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Finance Courses Through Distance Learning During Covid-19: A Study of Higher Education in Indonesia. Journal of Student Collaboration Research, 1(3), 194–213. Retrieved from