Analysis of Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of E-Learning in Public Sector College Students in Indonesia


  • Siti Ma'rifah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi


E-learning, Govermenr Institutions, Indonesia


The research objective to investigate the impact of course design, managerial supports, technical support, administrative support, learner characteristics on e-learning effectiveness among management studies students in Indonesia. For this purpose, data was collected from public sector universities 350 management studies students in Indonesia. Quantitative research approach and cross sectional research design was applied. The Partial Least Square (PLS)-Structural Equation (SEM) technique results indicates that technical supports, course design, administration support, learner’s characters, management support and instructor character have beneficial and considerable impact on the efficacy of e- learning. Similarly, results indicate that e-learning effectiveness has positive and significant impact on e-learning perception. The e-learning perception also has positive and significant impact on e-learning quality. The research added a body of literature with the significance findings that could add a body of literature in the extant literature that could help to investigate the future research in new area.The research objective to investigate the impact of course design, managerial supports, technical support, administrative support, learner characteristics on e-learning effectiveness among management studies students in Indonesia. For this purpose, data was collected from public sector universities 350 management studies students in Indonesia. Quantitative research approach and cross sectional research design was applied. The Partial Least Square (PLS)-Structural Equation (SEM) technique results indicates that technical supports, course design, administration support, learner’s characters, management support and instructor character have beneficial and considerable impact on the efficacy of e- learning. Similarly, results indicate that e-learning effectiveness has positive and significant impact on e-learning perception. The e-learning perception also has positive and significant impact on e-learning quality. The research added a body of literature with the significance findings that could add a body of literature in the extant literature that could help to investigate the future research in new area.


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How to Cite

Ma’rifah, S. (2024). Analysis of Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of E-Learning in Public Sector College Students in Indonesia. Journal of Education and Technology Development, 2(1), 120–142. Retrieved from