The Effect of Education Strategic Planning on Education Quality Improvement in Senior High School of Batam City


  • Nasruji STIE Galileo


Strategic Planning of Education, Resource Management, Implementation of Education Policy, Managerial Competence, Quality of Education


This study analyzes the impact of digital business process innovation on organizational structure and operational performance in the healthcare sector. Using a quantitative method with a survey approach, data was collected from hospitals and clinics in West Java that have adopted digital technology. The validity test showed that all questionnaire items were valid with significant loading factors above 0.7, while the reliability test showed Cronbach's Alpha values above 0.70, signifying good instrument consistency. The t-test results reveal that digital innovation has a significant effect on organizational structure and operational performance. The F test shows that digital innovation simultaneously has a significant effect on both, with the calculated F value higher than the F table and p value <0.05. The coefficient of determination analysis indicates that digital innovation contributes significantly to changes in organizational structure and operational performance, with a fairly high value. The results of this study suggest that the application of digital technology plays an important role in improving operational efficiency and organizational structure flexibility in the healthcare sector.


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How to Cite

Nasruji. (2024). The Effect of Education Strategic Planning on Education Quality Improvement in Senior High School of Batam City. Journal of Education and Technology Development, 2(1), 104–119. Retrieved from