The Influence of Leadership Practices on Employee Performance with the Role of Motivation and Job Satisfaction
Leadership Practices, Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction, MotivationAbstract
This study aims to examine the effect of leadership practices on employee performance by considering motivation and job satisfaction as mediating variables. Using a quantitative approach, this study involved 100 employees from various industrial sectors as respondents. The results showed that leadership practices have a positive and significant influence on employee performance (β = 0.513, p < 0.001), with an R² value of 0.427 which indicates that the regression model can explain about 42.7% of employee performance variability. Meanwhile, job satisfaction showed no significant effect on employee performance (β = 0.179, p = 0.110), indicating that this factor may not play an important role in the context of this model.This study confirms that effective leadership practices contribute significantly to improved employee performance, while job satisfaction, although relevant, does not have a significant impact in this model. These findings provide insights for managers and organizational leaders to focus on improving leadership practices as a key strategy in improving employee performance. This study also suggests the need for further research to explore other factors that may affect employee performance in more depth.
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