Green Supply Chain Practices and Their Influence on Organizational Sustainability: A Case Study in the Manufacturing Sector


  • Aulia Kusuma Wardani Politeknik Bisnis Digital Indonesia


Green Supply Chain, Technological Innovation, Management Support, Organizational Sustainability


This study aims to analyze the influence of Green Supply Chain Practices, Technological Innovation, Management Support, and Regulatory Pressure on Organizational Sustainability in the manufacturing sector. Data were obtained from 100 manufacturing companies through quantitative surveys which were then analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) method. The results showed that Green Supply Chain Practices and Management Support have a positive significant influence on Organizational Sustainability, indicating the importance of green practices and management support in promoting organizational sustainability. In contrast, Technological Innovation and Regulatory Pressure did not show a significant influence on organizational sustainability. This indicates that while innovative technologies and existing regulations play an important role, their impact on sustainability has not been significantly felt in the context of the manufacturing industry. This research contributes to the organizational sustainability literature by highlighting the importance of integrating green supply chain practices and strong management support to achieve sustainability in the manufacturing sector.


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How to Cite

Kusuma Wardani, A. (2024). Green Supply Chain Practices and Their Influence on Organizational Sustainability: A Case Study in the Manufacturing Sector. Journal of Management, 3(2), 565–576. Retrieved from