The Effectiveness of the Narcotics Prisoner Training Program in the Samarinda Class IIA Narcotics Training Institution
Training Program, Narcotics Prisoners, Correctional InstitutionsAbstract
The problem of narcotics abuse has been affecting the Indonesian people for a long time including in the jurisdiction of East Kalimantan. This is a big problem for the government that requires serious attention in all sectors, especially in terms of law enforcement. Judges as decision-making institutions must earnestly make a comprehensive decision, especially in their sentencing sanctions, so that later the implementation of sentencing sanctions aimed at rehabilitation, coaching, and guidance to inmates can really run effectively, so that the narcotics problem can be overcome trough the punishment and coaching system. Narcotics case inmates are inmates who should be considered to get optimal coaching. This research is expected to be able to describe in detail the social phenomenon that is the subject matter. Training carried out at the Narcotics Correctional Institution Class IIA Samarinda. Research results show that the convict training program is quite effective. In its daily operations, the Samarinda Class IIA Narcotics Correctional Institution has implemented a strict security system that is maximum security in the reception system, placement, guest reception and visit operations, the implementation of a sterile area system, maximum security in every activity and program of residents, the use of digital electronic tools and a guarding system and highly trained and disciplined human resources in order to achieve the goals of the Class IIA Narcotics Correctional Institution Samarinda.References
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