Customization of Competency Development Through Management Model Analysis of Competency Development Needs for Civil Servants in the Work Area of PPSDM Ministry of Internal Affairs Region Bandung


  • Sudrajat PPSDM Kemendafri Reg, Bandung
  • Joni Dawud Lembaga Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia
  • Asep Iwa Hidayat PPSDM Kemendagri Reg. Bandung


AKPK Management Model; Systematic Literatur Review (SLR)


Competency Development Planning is a bill for private employees and government organizations today.

  This article is entitled Competency Development Customization through the Competency Development Needs Analysis Management Model (AKPK) for Civil Servants in the Work Area of ​​the Ministry of Home Affairs' PPSDM Regional Bandung, one of which is to respond to the above phenomenon.  The purpose of this study is to obtain a model that meets the requirements in analyzing competency development needs.  The method of this research is qualitative Research and Development (R&D) which is equipped with the SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results) analysis method.  Data collection was carried out through: (1) documentation studies sourced from (a) research result documents published in journals related to competency development research and (b) competency development documents at competency development organizing institutions using activity implementation checklist sheets; and competency development documents using activity implementation checklist sheets; and (2) opinion polls using questionnaires related to the actual condition of employee competency. The data analysis technique uses simple descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis in the form of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR).  The results of the analysis, synthesis, and recommend 3 (three) major stages of the Competency Development Needs Analysis (AKPK) business process: (1) Preparation of AKPK Facilitators which is carried out through AKPK facilitator training (Training of Facilitators); (2) Analysis of Competency Development Needs which is carried out in several stages and steps accompanied by a number of forms to be filled in and inputted into the AKPK information system (SI-AKPK). The analysis activity begins with the Competency Development Needs Analysis Workshop activity followed by the FGD activity; and (3) Preparation of AKPK Report, carried out through Report Preparation Facilitation.


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How to Cite

Sudrajat, Dawud, J., & Hidayat, A. I. (2025). Customization of Competency Development Through Management Model Analysis of Competency Development Needs for Civil Servants in the Work Area of PPSDM Ministry of Internal Affairs Region Bandung. Journal of Law, Social Science and Humanities, 2(2), 259–268. Retrieved from