Speaking Skills And Sharpening Softskills Through Public Speaking For The Zillennial Generation


  • Tresia Wulandari Doctor of Communication Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung
  • Dede Lilis Chaerowati Doctor of Communication Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung


Speaking, Zillenial Generation, Softskills


This research entitled " Speaking Skills and Sharpening Softskills Through Public Speaking For The Zillenial Generation" is motivated by the phenomenon of communication anxiety that is often felt by the Millennials who try to deal with the fear of speaking in public. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that a person is afraid of doing public speaking and the correct technique of practicing public speaking. The method used by the author is descriptive research with the selection of informants from the student of the zilenial generation. The results of the study stated that there were 57.50% of the jilennial generation had communication anxiety, but if they did public speaking training, 55.27% were able to understand and master the material and needed further training.


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How to Cite

Wulandari, T., & Lilis Chaerowati, D. (2024). Speaking Skills And Sharpening Softskills Through Public Speaking For The Zillennial Generation. Journal of Law, Social Science and Humanities, 2(1), 120–127. Retrieved from https://myjournal.or.id/index.php/JLSSH/article/view/250