Assertive Communication on Self-Efficacy Sandwich Generation


  • Fanny Oktaviani Program Studi Magister Ilmu Komunikasi, Pascasarjana Universitas Pasundan


Assertive Communication, Self Efficacy, Sandwich Generation


This study is entitled "Assertive Communication on Sandwich Generation Self-Efficacy". The main objective of this study is to determine how assertive communication practices can affect the level of self-efficacy in the sandwich generation, with a particular focus on the assertive communication style model of Fursland and Nathan (2008) to understand how Basic assertion, Empathic Assertion, Consequence Assertion, Discrepancy Assertion, Negative Feelings Assertion, Broken Record in the sandwich generation. Assertive communication, according to Fursland and Nathan's theory (2008), involves a communication style that reflects respect for oneself and others, with the ability to express needs and feelings clearly. This research method is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis. The research subjects consisted of five core informants who were sandwich generations, and one expert informant who was a Psychologist. The results showed that the Sandwich Generation often faces heavy financial and emotional burdens, such as the cost of caring for parents and the needs of their own families, which can cause stress, fatigue, and social isolation. To overcome these challenges, the application of assertive communication techniques such as Basic Assertion, Empathic Assertion, Consequence Assertion, Discrepancy Assertion, Negative Feelings Assertion, and Broken Record is essential. These techniques help in managing stress, setting boundaries, and increasing self-efficacy. Through clear and effective communication, the Sandwich Generation can improve their psychological well-being, manage expectations, and maintain a balance between personal and family responsibilities. The application of the right strategies, combined with the spiritual values ​​of the Quran, can help them cope better with their dual roles.


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How to Cite

Oktaviani, F. (2024). Assertive Communication on Self-Efficacy Sandwich Generation. Journal of Law, Social Science and Humanities, 2(1), 98–106. Retrieved from