Legal Framework for Cybersecurity in the Digital Economy: Challenges and Prospects for Indonesia


  • Muhammad Rhogust Institut Rahmaniyah Sekayu


Cybersecurity, Legal Framework, Digital Economy


The purpose of this study is to examine the current legal framework for cybersecurity in Indonesia's digital economy, identify obstacles, and consider future opportunities. The technique employed is qualitative, with primary data collected through in-depth interviews with key players and surveys of digital businesses, internet service providers, and digital service customers. Secondary data analysis was performed on cybersecurity-related laws, regulations, and policies. The key findings of this study reveal that cybersecurity legislation in Indonesia are fragmented, making cooperation and enforcement challenging. The necessity of cybersecurity is not well understood, with common users having low levels of understanding. Limited resources, both human and financial, present a substantial barrier to efficient cybersecurity policy implementation. The empirical investigation reveals that cybersecurity awareness and regulatory compliance have a considerable impact on the legal framework's perceived efficacy. These findings suggest the need for regulatory harmonization, enhanced law enforcement capabilities, and more intense teaching programs. Policymakers can consider simplifying and unifying regulations, increasing law enforcement resources, and conducting public awareness initiatives. Industry should implement national and international security standards, provide cybersecurity training to employees, and expand investment in security technologies.


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How to Cite

Rhogust, M. (2024). Legal Framework for Cybersecurity in the Digital Economy: Challenges and Prospects for Indonesia. Journal of Law, Social Science and Humanities, 1(2), 166–180. Retrieved from