The Role of the Family in Child Care in Bandung City
Roles, Family, Children, Parenting Patterns, Bandung CityAbstract
This research aims to explore the role of families in child care in Bandung City, with a focus on how parents contribute to the physical, emotional and social development of their children. Through a qualitative approach involving in-depth interviews and observations, this research identified the various roles played by families. This research also uses Piaget's cognitive development theory as an analytical framework to understand how interactions between parents and children support children's cognitive development.The research results show that families in Bandung City face a number of challenges in raising children, including limited time and resources, as well as significant economic pressure. These barriers affect parents' ability to provide optimal care and support for their children. However, families still try to overcome these obstacles through various strategies, such as utilizing community support and adopting more effective parenting techniques.
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