The Role of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance


  • Riduansah STIMI Samarinda
  • Mihani STIMI Samarinda
  • Yurdi Maulidani STIMI Samarinda


Organizational Culture, Employee Performance, Human Resources Management


This study seeks to examine how death penalty narratives are presented in online mass media. The death penalty narrative in this study pertains to the situation that arose when the KPK publicized the Timah corruption case in 2024. Gaye Tuchman's conceptual framing analysis was used to examine the death penalty narrative as it appeared on social media platforms. This research uses a qualitative technique. The research subjects were selected from and Kumparan media items published during March and April 2024. The study's findings and comments, based on a review of four framing elements, reveal that, first, and Kumparan promote the harmonious narrative of the death penalty for social assistance corruptors. Second, the media failed to provide Harvey Moeis an opportunity to defend his rights. Even though there are commonalities, particularly supporting the death sentence narrative, there are variances in the data collecting carried out by and Kumparan, namely from the elements and background of the sources.


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How to Cite

Riduansah, Mihani, & Maulidani, Y. (2024). The Role of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance. Journal of Law, Social Science and Humanities, 1(2), 153–157. Retrieved from