Damri Bus Arrival Patterns In Bandung City


  • Nashrullah Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti (ITL Trisakti)


Damri, Cibiru, Cibeureum


The findings of this study suggest that salary and motivation have a substantial impact on the performance of PT CIMB Niaga workers in Surabaya. Data research revealed that these three factors have a positive and substantial link with employee performance. Fair and appropriate remuneration incentivizes individuals to perform better. Employees who believe they are compensated fairly for their efforts tend to perform better. Compensation considerations like as salary, bonuses, and perks all have an impact on employee performance, with compensation being one of the most influential. Positive connections among coworkers, good communication, and fair treatment all lead to improved performance. Work motivation has a substantial impact on employee performance. Employees with strong intrinsic and extrinsic drive tend to perform better. Opportunities for advancement, as well as acknowledgment and support from colleagues and superiors, all contribute significantly to increased job motivation.


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How to Cite

Nashrullah. (2024). Damri Bus Arrival Patterns In Bandung City. Journal of Law, Social Science and Humanities, 1(2), 127–130. Retrieved from https://myjournal.or.id/index.php/JLSSH/article/view/159